Anti-Slip Stair Treads
SafetyGrip Solutions manufacture an extensive range of anti-slip stair treads which are designed to be installed (retro fitted) directly onto your existing stairs. These heavy duty treads will provide an excellent high traction surface even in the harshest of conditions

Benefits & Features
The leading edge of steps can quickly wear leaving a smooth and slippery surface, add in the effects of oil, grease or mud and very quickly you’ll find that you’ve created a hazardous situation. Quick and easy to install these high traction treads you will drastically improve the walking surface which will contribute to the increased safety for your personnel.
We offer a full range of stair treads that can accommodate almost every possible application – from chequered plate & open grating through to concrete & wooden steps. We can provide nosing’s for just the leading edge or treads that cover the full depth of your step.We can also offer landing covers to compliment each flight of stairs.
Colour Coding
Our stair products can be manufactured in a selection of colours and profiles, these include single colour or two tone systems that highlight the leading edge of the step. They are also available in high-glow and photo-luminescent finishes.